About Websu

Websu.io helps you optimize your web applications for speed by generating detailed speed reports. The speed reports are run using Chrome and show you how you can optimize your web application to improve the performance. Speed is important for websites to reduce the bounce rate of visitors. Most people aren't patient enough for your page to load. So you better optimize. You can try it out right now at https://websu.io.

Lighthouse is the open source project used to generate the performance reports. So Websu is basically providing Lighthouse-as-a-Service through a simple HTTP REST API to run Lighthouse. The react based frontend Websu UI consumes the Websu HTTP API.


  • Run performance reports through a simple HTTP REST API and receive lighthouse json results
  • Run Lighthouse from multiple locations around the globe
  • Run scheduled reports hourly, daily, weekly or monthly to continiously monitor the performance of your websites
  • Retrieve a list of previous results
  • Web UI to host your own internal Lighthouse service
  • Ability to compare results (TODO)

Trying it out

You have 2 options:

  1. Use the public SaaS available here: https://websu.io
  2. Deploy Websu in your own environment. See for example Deployment using Docker below.

Deployment using Docker (easiest)

Deploy the docker image in your environment by running the following:

git clone https://github.com/websu-io/websu
cd websu
docker-compose up -d

The docker-compose will bring up the Websu-api container, lighthouse-server and a mongoDB container. The Websu containers runs the websu API and the static frontend web UI with it. After deployment you can access Websu UI by visiting http://localhost:8000

You can test the API by running the following:

curl -d '{"url": "https://www.google.com"}' localhost:8000/reports


Websu was created by Sam Stoelinga. You can reach me at admin@websu.io.